
Posts Tagged “selling jewelry”

Making Money Selling on Consignment

Legacies LogoHave home furnishings, decorative items, jewelry or artwork you don’t want any more that’s in good condition? Consignment can be a low-investment way to go, but how do you know what will sell? The current merchandise at consignment stores in Cincinnati like Legacies Upscale Resale is a good guide: home goods; furniture; jewelry; boutique items […]Read More

Legacies: A Great Alternative to Donating to Goodwill

consignment furniture at legaciesGot stuff you want to get rid of? You could go the online selling route, have an estate sale, donate to Goodwill, or try a middle ground: selling at Cincinnati consignment stores: Better than online selling because you get the stuff out of your house NOW, and if it doesn’t sell it will be considered […]Read More